Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Balls Firmly Placed in Hand

And being squeezed tight...yes the Italian Imbecile has loaded his card twice in 24 hours and paid $1300 on cruise!  He will be paying it off tomorrow! He has not been able to resist the doubleteaming of Mistress and her friend Ms. Wendy.  After he pays off cruise he is signing ownership contract with Mistress. He will be used on As Needed basis for whatever mistress WANTS and has 2 more definite committments for Mistress in Jan and March.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Leash Was Tugged

After leaving my Italian Imbecile alone for a while Mistress felt the need to contact and tug on his leash and get him to pay some on the cruise for me and Ms Wendy as other Losers did not do as they have been told.  Initial contact I told him my requested amount would be reasonable but IT should know better than that he he he  IT statred out paying $200 tomorrow but  Enlisting the help of Ms Wendy we double teamed and he is now COMMITTED to pay $700 tomorrow and $400 by the 15th (I think this payment will be way earlier though he he he).  He Loves his Divine and can't resist when she tugs his leash! I'm so proud to own him!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Virgin Cocklete's Return

looking forward to Thursday so i can drain my Virgin cocklete piggy and get him back on his payment schedule.  Also discussing him paying for a nice tirp to Europe next September for me and Liza!


Just put a new video up losers! Don't forget to rate it and comment

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I LOVE football and I'm in a football pool which is alot of fun, but what I also like to do it bet with my losers and piggies.  I usually do it with the spread or just straight win or loss.  If we do the latter i always have up until the last 5 min of the game to change my team he he he. My game my rules!  I would decide on amount for my win and if you should be lucky enough to win then u would receive personal pic, audio or perhaps video. Wanna Play with me good it will cost you $25 fee to play. Deadline for playing will be each week no later than Saturday evening by 7 pm est. You must also have your $25 paid by then too.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Message to Subservient Payslut

You are normally trustworthy etc and now owing me $$ you have not been in touch to let me know when u will pay etc.  This is not making me happy at all and you need to contact me ASAP!  I have been very good to you my payslut!  Get in touch TODAY!