Friday, December 27, 2013
I hate to do this as I've owned my current webslave for a very long time, but it's been a couple months since I've heard from him so not sure what's going on. I have changes that need to be made etc and can't wait anymore. So if you are a good webdesigner and would like to possibly become my webslave then get in touch with me. I would have you to show me an example of what you think would be a good site for me. Contact me at
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my losers, piggies, human ATM's, Wimps, Morons, Slaves and Minions! I hope you all have a good one and just because you are around family does not mean that you shouldn't have me on your minds! As soon as the presents are open and dinner is done you need to be focusing on how you will be making Mistress happy in 2014!! My family will be enjoying all the presents I purchased with loser $$ of it should be!
Monday, December 23, 2013
Sissy Marja
This Sissy has FINALLY realized what he is supposed to do after all these years. I have him locked up and as you can see in the pics he must send me proof every Monday wed and Friday that he is still locked up. He begins his monthly payments starting Jan 2014.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Draining a Virgin Cocklette Piggy
Amanda and I had so much fun recently doing a Christmas draining on my Virgin Cocklette Piggy. We each did our own and for her he stuffed an apple in his mouth just like a piggy in a pit lol Quite entertaining! He's a good piggy and we have even talked about him paying for me and Christine to travel to Europe in 2015. We are definitely excited about that prospect. Good Virgin Cocklette it's a pleasure to own you.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Amazon Wishlist Updated
It's Christmas time and if you want to buy Mistress something off her wishlist it's all ready to go. There are many items and many price ranges so noooo fucking excuse not to get me something. You can also do a amazon giftcard by sending to
Monday, November 25, 2013
Slave Nash
I have a new young loser who has proved to be very loyal and good! I love that he's young and I can mold him he he he Can't wait to use him more! Welcome my Slave Nash
Thanks to my Scottish Loser! He paid for the whole thing with the exception of my $300 downpayment!! I am sooo proud of him and I know it meant he really had to struggle to get that final payment made today! He if officially my cruise bitch! Now gotta figure out something else for him to pay on his paydays he he he
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Back from Europe!
Back from the trip of a lifetime! What made it better was it was completely LOSER paid it should have been! Was a 14 days trip that took us to Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Amsterdam, Bruges, Brussels and Prague. Of course major shopping was done in all cities and came home with a suitcase way heavier then when I left. Taking a trip like this or any trip is always fun but it's soo much better when you can tell people how you were able to do it. Many were very intrigued with my occupation he he he.
I got to meet up with 2 of my losers while I was on the trip. The first, my flip flop wimp met me on my layover in Charlotte. It's awesome cause we have our meeting place now right next to the ATM machine and he sits there with his eyes at the ground waiting for me to arrive. Of course no eye contact is ever allowed at all. He handed me his wallet as soon as I got there and I reached inside and took it ALL! More shopping $$ for me he he he Then while in Rome I was spoiled nicely by my Virgin Cocklete piggy who took the train from Sweden to meet us there. He acted as our tour guide and paide for some very nice authentic 5 course Italian meals. I don't think I will be able to eat at the olive garden ever again lol Got a pic with him which i will upload later. Now it's time to get back to reality and find more piggies/losers to use because a lady can never have too many!

Thursday, August 29, 2013
Guess Who i'm Draining Right Now?
Yep my Number One Loser and it's just like it was a few years back when I took it all! I'm taking it all once again and it's sooo much fun! I'm so very very proud of him!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Taking From A Flop Wimp
I just had a really fantastic trip to Detroit to visit and party with the friends I have made on the Kid Rock Cruise I go on every year. Of course it was Loser paid for and my Flip Flop Wimp made a nice deposit into my bank for it before I left. I've owned him now for almost 8 years and he has really come around and realizes what he truely is! He is even buying back the pair of flops he bought for me for an OBSCENE amount of $$$! he he he
So after a horrible day of flying and delays I finally got to the Charlotte airport and my Flop Wimp was lucky enough to get a chance to see me in person. As I came up the escalator there he was sitting by himself in the perfect the ATM. Here is a video we made of our little interaction. I will be doing this again in September on my way to Europe. FYI it's not the best quality cause it was filmed on phone. Click HERE to watch
Monday, July 22, 2013
Stupid calls Again
I have this one caller on NF who I have named "Stupid" because he is. He calls my ignore line and then pays me to listen to whatever i'm doing at the time...watching TV, playing a game, talking on the cell phone or whatever. He also likes to entertain me by oinking and crawling around on his hands and knees and other things. Today he called earlier and then called again because I had sent him a couple pics and he realized that he needed to turn around and go back home and call me one more time and beg me to take more of his $$$$. He really is a moron but he's MY Stupid he he he
Scottish Loser Returns
I'm soo happy to have my Scottish Loser back! I have missed him but he was not able to serve for awhile but as soon as he was working again he came right back to Mistress like a good loser. Bought quite a few items off my wishlist and has even made a cruise payment for me. I can't wait for the 25th of this month when he gets paid and will put more down on my cruise. Welcome back my Scottish Loser!
Will IT or Won't IT??
My Italian idiot poked IT's head out a few days ago which is a good sign he misses his Divine. The question is will he be the envy of all my losers and be smart and meet Mistress and Liza in Rome where he lives? Will he pay for our lunch and perhaps go to the ATM and let us take some $$$$??? How many of you think he's missing a great opportunity if he doesn't? If he doesn't he certainly should send some $$ for the trip right?
Close Call
My Flop Wimp contacted me last night very upset because his boss had told him he had to go to a meeting on the day we plan to meet at the airport in a couple weeks. The plan was to meet go to the ATM and me take his max amount and then to open his wallet and take what was in there. We were both VERY excited about thank goodness I have a layover on the way back home and will meet him then. He will make sure the money I was going to take beforehand is in my account and more than likely on the way back when I see him I will be taking his next deposit for my Italy trip. I am also planning on having a layover on way to NYC so I can take more right before I leave the country. I LOVE what I have turned him into he he he
Subervient Payslut
One of my faves to own! He is so much fun to use and humiliate and always trustworthy. He has 2 fave videos of mine that he watches and it gets him all worked up and therefore I get what I want! I look forward to taking more and more from him.
Cash Cow Blind Bitch
Once again I have this loser's balls in my hand and he shall be making Mistress happy tomorrow by 3 pm my time and if he doesn't he knows his punishment is to be Fucked even harder!
Pretty Sissy Marja
After disappointing mistress last month and not doing what she was told, this sissy came crawling back today and ordered the rain jacket I want for my trip to Europe off my wishlist. I hope the purchase goes through this time because I would hate to have to punish him.
My Oinky
My Oinky once again made his monthly payment on time. I have now taken ALL of the loan $$ so now he has to figure out what to do in order to find my monthly payment. He is working many extra hours so he makes sure that mistress is happy next month.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
You Never Know
Over the weekend I noticed a Loser had listened to one of my NF recordings but hadn't left feedback. Normally I don't pay attention to this but my Loser radar told me to email him and ask why and also tempt him into a live session on the phone. So he wrote back immediately and called one of my lines and we were chatting and I mentioned my "Ignore Line" and he asked about it and should he call that one. I told him yes and so he did. Ended up doing lots of calls on the Ignore Line this weekend. He even did things to entertain me to get my attention like crack and egg on his head and then add flour to it LMAO! He now has the nickname STUPID and is out of town for a few weeks but I KNOW he's thinking of mistress and can't wait for him to get back so I can take more and more!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
The Future of my Flip Flop Wimp
So much lies ahead for my wimp. He has started deposits for my trip to Italy (of course doesn't mean other's can't add to it). Next month we will be meeting at the airport again as I'm on my way to Detroit and I will lead him to the ATM where he will put in his code and I will push him out of the way and take the Max daily allowed. THEN I will reach into his wallet and take what's in there. So I have enough spending money for the weekend. I can't WAIT and hope to at least take pics of this wonderful event. He knows he has to pay a very high amount for videos now because I hate making them and also if he wishes to speak to me on the phone on NF it will be for no less than $10 a minute. Not to mention that once he pays the VERY high amount to buy back the current pair of worn flip flops that he bought for me. He will have to pay another sum to be able to open the box and cuddle up with them or as we like to call it "Date" them. After that he will start paying on the next pair which he bought for me recently and those are even more to buy back. I would say he knows exactly what his loser life will be like for quite a while. Pretty much the way I feel about him now is "Fuck off until u can pay!" LMAO!
The Dark pair of flops would be his "girlfriend #1" and the lighter ones are the new "Girlfriend" which he will be dating next. he he he

My Subservient Stocking Payslut
I love owning my subservient payslut and we are having so much fun. Tonight he is wearing black stockings with lace at the tops like a good dirty whore! Every time he touches his pathetic cock he has to let me know and I charge him a fee. Usually he begs me to take even more and I'm happy to oblige him. He also has to pay a cumming fee. He will then disappear for a few weeks but ALWAYS comes back because he can't stay away. He's an addicted stocking wearing dirty payslut and can't help himself. Can't wait to take more and more....
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Cruise Booked AGAIN
Sunday, June 23, 2013
New Niteflirt Recordings and Tallksuar Listings
I have spent some of my precious time today creating Live Listings on Talksugar under the name Mistress to Adore and also updating recordings on Niteflirt. Make sure you ALWAYS rate and comment on listings whether recorded or Live.
Sunday 6/23
Sunday and i'm bored and looking for piggies to use and humiliate. One way is my Ignore Line on NF Dial 1-800-TO-FLIRT (1-800-863-5478) extension for this listing is 0339880
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Don't Forget my Wishlist - Start Shopping NOW!
I have many items i need for my Loser paid for trip to Italy so get busy shopping. There are even some there for the most broke Loser so no excuse!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Hotel $$ for Europe
Just did some figuring and our hotels for Europe will be approximately $650 each and you KNOW we aren't going to pay that ourselves so we are going to make it really easy for you. All you have to do is click the link below and pay! DON'T YOU DARE CLICK IT AND NOT PAY! I will keeping track of this!
$150 $75
$150 $75
Even MORE Pathetic
This is what I woke up to in my email today from my Flip Flop Wimp LMAO Guess what? He's correct about all of it! I fucking love it!
Supreme Goddess Mistress Majesty Michelle,
i just wanted to take a minute and let you know my feelings. i feel like here lately i have taken a step lower in your eyes. i feel like your opinion of me has become even less for some reason. i know you were not feeling well last week but i also feel like you really just didn't care to chat as much. Maybe i am wrong but it just feels like since you told me you didn't care to talk on the phone that i have become even less in your eyes. i feel like things have gotten even worse since i paid you $6 a minute to talk to me and i feel like you really didn't even want to for that price. i just feel like i have become such a wimpy loser in your eyes with all the payments ,amazon, and nails. i may be wrong but i wanted to let you know how i was feeling. You know i have complete respect for you and that i will always pay you for being so awesome no matter how you treat me now.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Oinky Monthly payment Time
I love this time of month cause it's when my Pee Wee Oinky makes is monthly payment. He's really become a good loyal loser for Mistress. He used to be quite the loser whore serving others but since December has let it be known he is OWNED by me! He has been working extra hours and even took out a loan that he will never pay back because it takes too much of my money to do so. His loser life has a purpose now and that is to make sure i'm happy.
Monday, May 13, 2013
BitchToy Payslut Jerry
Having so much fun with my BitchToy making him do humiliating tasks and also he's on a weekly payment schedule too. He also did some shopping on my wishlist last week and got my Ipod for me. Here are 2 little pics he sent to me of one of his tasks.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
New Little Bitch
I do mean little too as you can tell by the pictures. Yes I've taken on a new little blackmail bitch to use. He keeps sending me pics like below and I have wife's email etc and he knows if he doesn't make his payment on time every Friday everything gets sent to her. He was late this week but let me know immediately and even paid a late fee all on his own. I do believe he will be a pleasure to own and can't wait to see more humiliating pics of him and take more. Also as you can see he's a cuck to his wife and do you blame her with that little thing? LMAO! Welcome to my world of little dicked losers Bikini Bitch!
Every 4th
Every 4th of the every month my pretty sissy moneybitch Donna sits and wait for Mommy to come online so she can give her monthly sissy moneybitch payment. He is so good and mommy loves him so much and is so proud to own him. Once he makes his payment he gets to play with his little nipples and little guy as a reward.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Wishlist Items
I am in the process of adding new items to my Amazon wishlist most of which I will be wanting for my trip to Europe. For example a new Ipod to load up with my music for my long flight etc. So get busy shopping ASAP losers!
Why do some Losers feel like they deserve your undivided attention for small tributes? Seriously I'm gonna give you all my time when u spend less than $50 on me. Not how it works. The happier I am the more attention you might get. Course remember it is NEVER about you anyway it's about ME!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Sunday, April 7, 2013
New Video Coming Soon!
You lucky Losers...if everything goes as planned tomorrow I'll be making a new video! So get all excited and be looking for the post with a link!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Amsterdam Hotel
Goddess Liza and I have decided to stay 3 nights in a more expensive hotel that suits our needs better and will be way more fun! The total will be $600 US and if you click HERE You will be sent a payment request via NF and can pay on it. If 6 of you pay piggies do it then it will be all taken care of and you can move onto paying other things we need. Do it NOW!
Friday, March 22, 2013
If you had the chance....
To be in the presence of two dommes like myself and Liza would you not take the opportunity even if it cost something (which of course it would lol)? Italian Idiot so far is choosing to not tribute or make plans to meet us while we will be in the SAME city as he lives! WTF? Really moron? You are going miss out on a chance to be spit on or to spoil us by paying for our Rome hotel etc? I think you REALLY need to think on this over the summer and in the meantime answer my fucking emails as i'm asking questions about the city. Do the rest of you losers think he's stupid for not doing what you all would give your right arm to do? Post your thoughts to him here...
Loser Suggestions?
Goddess Liza and I are having so much fun planning our trip to Italy, Belgium and Amsterdam. There is soo much to see and do it's hard to narrow it down. Also finding places to stay is a big decision. So if any of you idiots have been to these places and know of hotels etc to recommend post it here or send an email. Of course if u suggest it you might be having to pay for it right Goddess Liza?
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Ticket to Europe BOUGHT!
Goddess Liza and I just bought our tickets (with Virgin Cocklete's $$) to Europe at end of September. We will be flying into Brussels, going to Italy and Amsterdam with a quick stop in Prague on the way home. This is NOT going to be a cheap trip and you KNOW we aren't paying for it out of our $$ so it's time to start saving my Losers. You have almost 7 months. We will be needing hotel $$ and spending and shopping $$. I have Niteflirt buttons set up on my site and also Goddess Liza will have other payment options u can use too and she will just set those $$ aside for us. VERY excited! Now get busy!
Back from Cruise
Had a FANTASTIC time on my loser paid for cruise! So much fun I will be doing it again next year so head's up losers he he he. Here are a few pics showing the fun I had. Notice the one shirt says "Mistress off duty"
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Italy Here we Come!
Today I had the pleasure of taking $$ for aifare to Rome in September from my Virgin Cocklete Piggy! Goddess Liza will be taking her part tomorrow. We will be meeting him over there either in Italy or Belgium to do a live spanking session and also for him to be our tour guide. VERY excited about this trip and know my other Losers, and Piggies will be taking care of my other expenses!
Friday, February 15, 2013
My Goodboy Rob LeClerc is BACK!
He's been gone awhile but now he's back and has done everything he can to start back off on the right loser foot! He has put his card on for my monthly website payment. Today was his first payday since he's been back at my feet and he did a very nice tribute and will be doing so every payday like the good loser he is! Welcome back Goodboy Rob!
Friday, February 1, 2013
Europe here we come!
Goddess Liza and I will be taking a trip to Italy, France and Amsterdam at the end of September. Part of it will be paid by Virgin Cocklete (airfare) and we will in return do a live session with him and allow him to be our tour guide for a few days. More of it will be paid by Italian Imbecile who will get the honor of being spit on by myself and Goddess Liza. This is just a small amount of the $$ we will need for this trip. Dinners, drinks, sightseeing, lodging and of course shopping will all be loser paid! There we will be a page on my site soon where you can just click a button and tribute for this event in particular. We are VERY excited about this trip!
Almost Cruise Time
March 4th is cruise time for Mistress and if you haven't contributed yet you need to do so ASAP! You can pay for my drinks, shopping, hotel etc. Remember i should not be paying this out of my wallet but YOURS!
Cuck Bitch?
Taking a little vacation with my REAL MAN with a big dick in two weeks. Who wants to be a good cuck bitch and pay for it? Get in touch ASAP if u do. By the way he has 7 inches so if u are smaller you should make sure you take care of us! Pay for your inadequacies losers!
Don't forget when you get your return I get at least 75% of thankful i'm not taking it all! Get in touch once u file and let me know how much you will be getting back! I'm sure I can find a better way to spend it then you can!
Owned Bitch
My Owned Ohio bitch stuck his head out a couple of weeks ago and boy did we have fun! Probably the most fun we have had in a long time. I had him soooo controlled even to the point that while he was sitting across from his Bitch wife, I was using his card to pay bills! Then we played the NF drain the loser game where I sent him payment requests rapidly and he pays them but they are amounts he can't add up fast so he has no idea what he's spending! he he he Can't wait to play that one again!
" I'm going to make this a good year for you"
That is a quote from my Flip Flop Wimp and it makes me very happy! He starts out daily looking in the mirror and reminding himself what a loser he is and that his only purpose in life is to make me happy! He goes without so I don't...which is as it should be! He knows I have no respect for him and only care about him for his wallet! It IS going to be a good year and keep getting better with each one!
Sissy Moneybitch
It's a new year and I'm looking forward to being spoiled more by my pretty sissy moneybitch Donna! Always on time and always loyal.
Blackmail Bitch
Blackmail Bitch had no choice but to agree to making payments for 3 more months or have his wifey know everything about his perverted cock loving ways! he he he I love squeezing his balls sooo tight!
The PUP has been so good lately and been making sure Mistress is spoiled once a month out of his paycheck. He can't stop even though he has tried. It's nice to pretty much be able to count on his loser ass monthly. he he he
Friday, January 11, 2013
I have just put up my 2013 Message for Losers so go watch now and don't forget to rate it high!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Need plane ticket for cruise ASAP! $380...or check and see if you have alot of miles if u can donate them to me for my ticket! Who is going to be the one to get this done and start off the new year right?
It's a new year and time for your pathetic little dicked losers to pay your yearly tax! Don't forget and do it ASAP!
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