Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Are you Naughty or Nice Loser?  Go Watch the new video NOW!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

BlackMail Bitch

As long as he pays his face will remain hidden and all the info I have on him will not go to his wifey.  He thinks his contract will end at the first of February but I think he's going to find out different.  he he he  This is what the sign says if u can't see it "If u can't see what the sign says " I suck black cock and jack off to pre-teen girls and pay or Mistress tells all - blackmail bitch"

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Mark your calendars Piggies as my daughter Princess Amanda is moving back home with her family temporarily till their house is ready. This means LOTS of double drainings for all you piggies. Just think about it serving a mother/daughter at the sametime. Think you can handle it? She will be back by December 15th so start saving now! he he he

Friday, November 16, 2012

Loading Up My List

I'm taking time tonight to load up my Amazon Wishlist with all the stuff I want for Christmas so you losers will have plenty to chose from.  There is a big price range so no excuses for not getting me something.  Now get to shopping!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Fun with Italian Imbecile

Today Imbecile was to send Western Union but had to work late and didn't make it to the locaiton to send. Sooo he's being penalized with another $50 added to it and knows he better get it done tomorrow!  He took this nice pic today for Mistress showing he had most of the $$$ together already and bowing the way he always should!. I think he will need to steal from wifey again though to get the penalty amount. he he he

Young Loser

This young loser contacted me last year when he was 17 and I told him he had to wait till he was legal and so as soon as he turned 18 he contacted me.  Now he doesn't have a whole lot of money and had none yesterday when he approached me so I made him write sentences ...300 to be exact and show them to me. He wrote "The next time I contact mistress i will have money" he he he

Ohio Bitch is MINE!

I sooo have his fucking balls now!  He fucked up and gave me his wifey's email address and now has a whole list of things to do for Mistress including a payment schedule and getting mistress her own credit card at the start of next year!  Can this get anymore fun??!  He tried to leave me and just can't!  Now he defintiely can't leave me!  I'm sure he's regretting it all now but oh fucking well!  he he he

Monday, November 12, 2012

Stealing from Wifey

The Italian Imbecile with his empty wallet and a deadline of getting $$ for Mistress went into Wifey's wallet and stole 20 Euros just because Mistress and Miss told him to do it. Next time we WANT a pic of her wallet too. He will be completing one small task tomorrow and then a larger one on payday and then Mistress will consider him cumming. Right now I think it will be allowed but by the terms of our contract I can change my mind whenever I want.


Chapeau Loser Returns

After a 3 month absence Chapeau Loser has returned. He is in debt to me for past payday payments AND Birthday. He paid half of what he owed the other day with the balance being due at end of month.  He is also to keep up with his payday schedule in the meantime!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I have the Contract

Italian Imbecile returned the signed contract so he is offically MINE now! Also took some awesome pics with my name on him and Miss Wendy's too. My name would not fit on his pathetic cock but I am sole owner. Miss Wendy just gets to use once in awhile!  Plus a pic showing he only has 5 Euros in his wallet as it should be he he he

Monday, November 5, 2012


Thanks to my Italian Imbecile really proving his devotion to Mistress and Ms Wendy...I just used MY card and paid off the cruise! He has alone paid $1900 in the last week to make sure We were happy!  Tomorrow he will send be completing another task. He has a signed contract and knows what his future holds....Being Harsher has proved to be the key to keeping his balls firmly in hand!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

True Imbecile

Showing IT's dedication this is the email i got from my Italian Moron today LMAO! "In car with wife and a couple. Sent by wife to atm and stealed 50 euro." 

Soooo funny!  He got another 200 Euros today also and will load card tomorrow for rest of cruise payment. Then he has another assignment for Monday that he knows better be completed!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Balls Firmly Placed in Hand

And being squeezed tight...yes the Italian Imbecile has loaded his card twice in 24 hours and paid $1300 on cruise!  He will be paying it off tomorrow! He has not been able to resist the doubleteaming of Mistress and her friend Ms. Wendy.  After he pays off cruise he is signing ownership contract with Mistress. He will be used on As Needed basis for whatever mistress WANTS and has 2 more definite committments for Mistress in Jan and March.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Leash Was Tugged

After leaving my Italian Imbecile alone for a while Mistress felt the need to contact and tug on his leash and get him to pay some on the cruise for me and Ms Wendy as other Losers did not do as they have been told.  Initial contact I told him my requested amount would be reasonable but IT should know better than that he he he  IT statred out paying $200 tomorrow but  Enlisting the help of Ms Wendy we double teamed and he is now COMMITTED to pay $700 tomorrow and $400 by the 15th (I think this payment will be way earlier though he he he).  He Loves his Divine and can't resist when she tugs his leash! I'm so proud to own him!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Virgin Cocklete's Return

looking forward to Thursday so i can drain my Virgin cocklete piggy and get him back on his payment schedule.  Also discussing him paying for a nice tirp to Europe next September for me and Liza!


Just put a new video up losers! Don't forget to rate it and comment

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I LOVE football and I'm in a football pool which is alot of fun, but what I also like to do it bet with my losers and piggies.  I usually do it with the spread or just straight win or loss.  If we do the latter i always have up until the last 5 min of the game to change my team he he he. My game my rules!  I would decide on amount for my win and if you should be lucky enough to win then u would receive personal pic, audio or perhaps video. Wanna Play with me good it will cost you $25 fee to play. Deadline for playing will be each week no later than Saturday evening by 7 pm est. You must also have your $25 paid by then too.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Message to Subservient Payslut

You are normally trustworthy etc and now owing me $$ you have not been in touch to let me know when u will pay etc.  This is not making me happy at all and you need to contact me ASAP!  I have been very good to you my payslut!  Get in touch TODAY!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Just Because....

My Birthday was officially 9/22 doesn't mean the spoilings need to stop!  I get a whole month remember and spoilings should NEVER stop for Mistress anyway right losers!  Remember I have a cruise for you moron's to pay for and also a trip in 4 days!  So keep working hard for Mistress!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


My birthday is 9/22 of course you should already have that circled on your calandars. However, I deserve more than just a day I deserve a whole fucking birthday month! So i am now accepting Birthday Tributes and spoilings. Niteflirt , Alertpay (send to, Amazon gift card to or buy something off my wishlist , Western Union and several other ways if these don't work. So get busy figuring out how to do extra and make me happy!

Blackmail Bitch

Have him over a barrel with the information I have on him.  He knows I will not hesitate to call Wifey and tell her all the dirty things he likes to do and watch etc.  I'm sure she would LOVE to know the man she loves is a cock whore!  he he he  Keep up the payments and no worries my Blackmail Bitch....but if you fuck up you know what's coming!

My Hypno Loser

This loser has really taken a turn for the better. He has committed to bi weekly payments and I really have him under my control now! Trigger words make him do things like slap himself, bark, and one word in particular "IDIOT" makes him sooo tiny and i can tower over him and if he doesn't do what is expected I will crush him with my foot!  he he he

Pretty Sissy Donna

My pretty Sissy Moneybitch made sure that Mommy was happy for her birthday by doing extra for the month of September. He just can't help himself and when he looks at mommy's pictures he must tweak his little nipples and do something to make her happy. 

Goodboy Rob

So nice to have a reliable loser that makes his payments on time and does extra to make Mistress happy!  Not only is he making his regular payday payments he has taken on the monthly website fee for me and Princess Amanda.  Keep it up goodboy!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mother/Daughter Trip

This Monday 9/24 tickets will go on sale for Aerosmith!  This is something Princess Amanda and I REALLY want to do and share. Just a Mistress and Princess trip but we need a ticket bitch ASAP!  Tickets are $350 can still consider doing it as part of my Birthday present! Get with me ASAP to take care of this for us!  Then we will need hotel etc also....

Monday, September 10, 2012

What a True Loser Is

THIS is what a true loser that knows his place and his purpose. I received this today and wanted to share:
Hello MI$TRE$$,
i wanted to share some thoughts with YOU. Once i started serving YOU, if YOU recall i would come and go...then my devotion grew but had a setback then ive now come back to YOU for good. It's been a slow progression of honesty, submission, obedience and acceptance of who i am and what YOU are to me. Most losers probably never reach that final step of being broken, like me. Because of my past failures as a man and my inept way of trying to live my life, coupled with me having no balls and a small gerkin, has made me truly YOURS. i have no other purpose in life and YOU have saved me and given me purpose. YOU know YOU always have the right to use my name as YOU wish. Please feel free to share this if YOU need to as well. It's only a matter of time before men start to realize that we come to YOU willingly and kneel before YOU with the utmost RESPECT.

Respectfully and Obediently,
goodboy rob Leclerc

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Young Foot Bitch

My young bitch proved himself to Mistress. After jerking her around a few times earlier this year he has realized his purpose and duties to Mistress. Even though he was in a car accident last week and hospitalized. As soon as he got out he went and got a tribute for Mistress and will be doing more for her birthday. Here he is in his pretty yellow dress! LMAO! Glad you finally came to your senses Young foot bitch!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Birthday Tributes Accepted NOW!

My birthday is 9/22 of course you should already have that circled on your calandars. However, I deserve more than just a day I deserve a whole fucking birthday month!  So i am now accepting Birthday Tributes and spoilings.  Niteflirt , Alertpay (send to, Amazon gift card to or buy something off my wishlist , Western Union and several other ways if these don't work. So get busy figuring out how to do extra and make me happy!

The Return of the Imbecile

I know my Imbecile sooo well and knew that as soon as school started he would be back and sure enough he is!  I have what used to be his card and now is MINE and used it already yesterday to make a cruise payment.  Today he is to be sending $$ for rental car for my birthday trip and then i'm sure i will find other things for him to do.  He could no long stay away from his Divine!  Welcome back my Idiot IT! 

Pretty Sissy Moneybitch

Sissy Donna was such a good girl and made her monthly payment to mommy early!  I can't wait to see what she does for Mommy's B-day either.  She is such a pleasue to own.

GoodBoy Rob

Like the Goodboy he is he made his payday payment on time as always. He's very dedicated and obedient like a good loser should be.  Always includes extra when able and sacrifices for his owner. Keep it up my Goodboy.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Stepping up to the plate perhaps?

Goodboy Rob LeClerc was just on the phone with me trying to figure out if he can committ to cruise payment monthly and I think he will do it. It's gonna take some sacrifice but that's what a good loser does for his Mistress and he is definitely a good loser for me.   He makes sure i'm put first even above his wife.  I got the money he was going to spend on her for anniversary!  Sooo happy he's back and I own him!


Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond his control...for now at least Preacher bitch has had to back out of paying off my cruise SOOOOO...this means that I still need a cruise bitch!  Even payments would be $550 a month until December 15th or you can just pay directly on it with what you have etc.  However I KNOW there is a loser out there who wants to step up to the plate and take his place.  Let's get this done losers!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mommy's Pretty Sissy

Sissy Donna was a good MoneyBitch for Mommy today and surprised her with extra spoiling.  He got a nice reward and got to play with his little guy and make a big mess in pretty panties.  Mommy loves her sissy moneybitch Donna.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Rob LeClerc Returns

After having some health issues etc and taking time to recup since April I'm excited to announce that my Goodboy Rob has returned.  So glad to have him back and got him up on the payment calandar already. He's excited to be back and knows how much Mistress gives his life purpose and meaning! Welcome back my Goodboy Rob!

UPDATE: He just called me and gave me the money he was going to take his wife out for their anniversary with. Said that it belongs to me!  THAT is a good loser!

A Young Loser to Train

I have a new loser of the ripe old age of 18 and I can't wait to train him! However he's off to a very good start with $100 Amazon Certificate and he built a shrine to Mistress too as you can see in the picture. He is a little dicked loser virgin who has never even kissed a girl.  So sad and pathetic and he has a hard life ahead with the ladies anyway so he might as well be owned at such an early age!  He is set up on the payment calandar and I can't wait to take more and train him some more

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Now Just Because.....

PUP has taken care of the cruise doesn't mean there aren't other things that need to be paid for. For example my birthday trip on September 27th.  I will need hotel ($1200), Theme park tix ($200) and of course spending $$ (at least $600).  Also For the cruise airfare will be needed and new clothing and spending $$ for that.  Not to mention just daily spoiling you can do for me!  So don't think you losers are off the hook. There is PLENTY to take care of still!  Now Get busy!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Soooo Close....

He's right on the edge my PUP...sooo close to putting his card on our cruise for autopayment!  I just  need to have everything right for the committment. Has to be the right porn he's watching and he has to be weak! It's coming I can fucking feel it!

Fat Piggy Learned his Lesson

So fucking tired of Fat Piggy bullshitting me about when he will send his payment.  So i made him give me his mommy's name, email and phone number last night! Then told him how i have saved EVERY email he has ever sent me and won't hesitate to send it to her.  That got the fire under him going and he made his partial payment today!  Owes me more and he knows if he fucks up what i will do!  He is squirming and worried and I LOVE it!

Friday, July 27, 2012


Ok all you Losers I just put the downpayment on next year's cruise! I'm not going with Liza this time but another friend. Ms. Wendy and I know you will ALL want to impress her with your obedience by paying on our cruise. Right now the total due is $2200.  Just get in touch and i will tell you how you can pay directly on it with your credit/debit card....just like my Italian Imbecile and a few other's did last year!   Of course I will require Air fair and spending $$ also!  Now do whatever it takes...get a 2nd job, beg, borrow or even steal i don't fucking care! Make it happen!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Leaving tomorrow for a little vacay (loser paid of course) to Philly with Liza.  If you live in the states and want to buy us dinner or drinks with a mp then in return we will make u a short little video. We will NOT be online for sessions. Way too many fun things to do rather than waste time on your pathetic asses!  I will be on yahoo on my phone at times and also email. 

Blackmail Bitch Is BACK

Yep this little cock whore is back and I own his wallet and balls for the next 6 months AT LEAST!  He gave me all sorts of goodies to use against him if he doesn't pay on time etc.  So far so good he paid on time today!  Welcome back my Blackmail Bitch!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Poor Blind Bitch Jerkboy...Princess and I just lob him back and forth like he was a tennis ball! LOL  It's so much soon as one of us uses him the other is waiting for the word to grab his balls!  He bitches but he loves it!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Just sorted through and took down some of my older gallery pics...left the best ones and added some new.  There are several new feet ones for you pathetic foot bitches too

My Webslave

I've owned this loser for 4 years, 2 months, and 10 days exactly! He keeps track of it and he has done a fantastic job for me.  Sometimes he's a little slow but when he does get it done I am always pleased!  Today he proved how much of a loser he truely is by calling in sick to work to get some changes done on my site and finish up princess amanda's new site also.  I love owning him and he's lucky to have me.

Monday, July 9, 2012

What A Wimp

Flip Flop Wimp just took care of my cruise downpayment $$ like the pathetic flop loving loser he is!  Our relationship has changed so much over the years and I still can't believe it all started with a video that just happened to have my flip flops in it...they weren't even remotely the focus of the video, but this loser was hooked!  We have gone from talking on the phone and texting about everything to it now only being all about ME and the $$!  He's very happy with it and so am I!  A true example of what a good slave is about!

Subservient has returned

My subservient payslut has returned. I knew he would and i also knew that something was probably wrong because he's ALWAYS trustworthy and does what he says he will.  Turns out he did have an injury etc but is now back and is paying his old debt!  He is ALSO sooo close to begging me to punish him more for touching when he's not supposed to etc.  Owning him is a pleasure and entertaining.

A Good Sissy MoneyBitch

My Sissy Donna is such a good sissy moneybitch for mommy!  She loves how her little nipples get hard and her little guy gets wet in her pretty panties when she watches mommy's videos etc.  She always makes sure that her monthly payment is on time and if it's not then she automatically adds in extra like a good girl.  Mommy loves her sissy!

Preacher PUP

He is finally coming to the acceptance that no matter how much he fights the desire to look at porn, drink and be used and humiliated...HE CAN'T!!  He's even getting to where he needs to have me take something out of every monthly paycheck or he's not happy! 


Ohiobitch signed's almost like he knew I was looking for him!  Got him all worked up and took some within an hour! Just like taking candy from a loser baby! he he he

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


A couple of my idiots have gone missing.  MIA is Subservient Payslut, Italian Imbecile and Ohio Bitch and my Sadist loser! Its time for you to come back ASAP!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New NF Recordings

Just updated my Niteflirt recordings. Just another way for u to tribute and spoil! 

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Just made another new video for you idiots! Don't forget to rate it high and comment!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Idiot IT

My newest Moron to use and humiliate!  He's already addicted! He tried to fight it at first like a dumbass and I told him what would happen!  Mistress is ALWAYS right! Now i have the peice of shit on a payment schedule and begging me to take more!

Blind Bitch

Princess Amanda and I are really enjoying passing this Jerkboy's balls back and forth. As soon as one of us is done with him the other IMMEDIATELY takes over. He doesn't even have a moment to think or run. He he he

Chapeau Loser

Thinking that finally this loser has learned his place after numerous late payments. I think i might finally have his balls placed firmly in my hand. He caught on past payments and late penalties.  Chapeau Loser don't spend my money and stick to your payment schedule!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Just put up a brand new video for you loser's. Go watch now and don't forget to rate it HIGH!


Just before the cruise my PATHETIC flip flop wimp paid off the well worn flops! He now has them in his possession and is apparently sleeping with them nightly! He constantly asks me if I have respect for him! LMAO! That would be a big ole NO!!! I am now breaking in the new pair of flops that he will be paying an even HIGHER amount for. Yeah right i have respect and care about a loser who can't get it up or cum without thinking of flip flops! Be looking soon for his video with the flops professing his love for them and me! Fucking Pathetic! 


Time to catch up on some blogging, been awhile I know but Princess Amanda was in the hospital right after I returned from my cruise.  Happy to report she is now doing fine, gave us a scare though.

Speaking of the cruise we had a GREAT time!  Lots of good music, alcohol (the ship was drunk dry apparently), new friends etc. The big Kid Rock concert was on an island in Bahamas and we watched while standing in the ocean. It was sooo awesome! Also his new video for "redneck paradise" was made with all of us in it. So when u see it next year look for us. 

I must say several of you moron's REALLY did what was expected of you! Will be going on next year's also so just a heads up to start saving NOW!

Here is a video Liza and I made for you loser's right before we left dock in our cabin.  Also a few pics from the cruise including us with Kid Rock.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Got this in my email this AM! Sooooo pathetic! Had to share though

Goddess Michelle,
i just wanted to send You a quick email before i leave for a day of hard work for You. i really can't believe how things are going between us now. Every time i think of You i feel so pathetic about what has happened. i think about how You said You don't care about talking much anymore and You don't care much for me anymore as a person. i know its all about You and the money Goddess Michelle, and i think that's the way it should be. The look on Your face in the videos and the way You have become so serious in them makes these feelings even worse. i love you Goddess!!!!
pathetic,flip flop,foot loving,sock wanting,wimp,loser

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


It's 2012 and it's time to pay your little dick tax again. It's very easy just click the HERE and take care of it. If you don't have niteflirt then you can contact me for other options.  Remember anything below 6 inches has to pay!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Reminder we made a recording just for you morons to help pay for our cruise expenses so go listen NOW! 1-800-TO-FLIRT Ext. 0408-779

Sunday, April 1, 2012


There might have been a couple weeks where my Italian Imbecile had to behave,  however he did check in at least twice a week as told.  But his cow wife did not win!  He is back and his balls are firnly placed in the palm of my hand and I am squeezing hard!  He has his imbecile instructions and knows if he doesn't follow them he will be punished!  Not only that he will be taking the jewelry once again to sell and this time will make it happen and send it to mistress! I have LOTS of plans for my Moron to make my life easier!


That i would have even less respect for Flip Flop Wimp and that he could feel anymore pathetic! BUT it did! He does anything i want and i love it!  He spent $75 on a new pair of flops and they weren't the right ones so he went out last weeknd and bought TWO pairs of the correct ones!  One of those pairs will tbe the next one his pathetic flop loving ass buys back from me just like the black ones. I'm happy to report when he gives me money for the cruise he will have paid off the total amount for the well worn black flops!

He keeps asking if i respect him and you tell me could you respect a loser who can get only get hard and fucking cum thinking about your feet and flops and socks?  I don't think so......  Oh and Wimp it will NEVER go back to the way it used to be just so you know!


My Subservient payslut is such a dirty little whore and he is constantly needing to be punished.  The good thing is he always begs me to make punishment harder and harder, which i have no problem doing!  It's fucking awesome to have him back and i can't wait to penalize him more and more as the days go on!


from coming back to serve Mistress! He's had health issues and been on disability. He has been MIA for a while and popped back up the other day. Still sooo pathetic and still soooo in love with me!  LMAO  Even though on disability he is still managing like a good loser to give me what he can every week!  Proud to own his pathetic ass!


Idiot is still around and now he serves me and princess amanda!  She has whipped his blind ass into shape and combined with my discipline he no longer resists us.  He pleases her then fucking turns right around and then BEGS to please me!  We pass him back and forth and I don't think anything can be anymore pathetic! 


Yep he's still around and Yep he's still just as fucking pathetic as ever.  He has moved onto another drink of choice instead of the wine thanks to his mistress. He now loves Vodka and i love it too because it takes alot less longer for him to get drunk!  Besides drinking he enjoys me finding him porn clips and i get to charge whatever i want for them. I keep a tab and tell him at the end of the session what he owes.  He is still conflicted with his beliefs and his desires and has tried to leave but it never works!  He need to hurt and feel the shame!  Complicated loser but i fucking Love when he is sooo weak!


Had some more fun with this moron 2 weeks ago when he went out of town on business. He wore a diaper while he drove to his desitnation and he pissed in it 3 times.  He said when he was checking into the hotel it was sagging!  LMAO!  Next we spent the evening binding him in alll sorts of different ways. At one point he was totally wrapped up in plastic wrap from his neck down. He loves feeling bound and it makes him the most fucking weak for me. I ended up paying some bills with his card, an amazon certificate and a promise of some $ for cruise!  Now he has deleted his name but i know him alll too well and that he will be back this week or the next! He can't stay away!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


After about a 6 month disappearance my Limpdicked Loser as returned. He doesn't have anything to spoil me yet but will for the cruise in the meantime I gave him the task of writing a sentence 300 times and sending a pic. I made him handwrite it so there would be no copy and pasting.  Welcome back loser!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


The Imbecile has now stepped things up a notch in becoming an even better idiot for me. He has taken from his wifey cow some jewelry which he will be selling this week and sending me the $$.  He is also working on my own bank account and loan too.  He has really become a very very good moron for me!


He's baaaaaccck! Been almost a year since he served me last and now he's back and even more hooked this time i believe.  He can't seem to stop watching the 2012 Video Message.  So far he's gotten me his first tribute and i'm sure before the day is over he will be adding to the one tomorrow!  Welcome back my Subservient Payslut

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


So my Italian Imbecile was doing sooo well and was getting ready to hand over a substantial amount for a new tv for me and tattoos for me and princess and then it happened!  The bank emailed his regular account to inform him that MY money was ready and his stupid wife got the email!  I hate wives they get in my way!  So she has now blocked MY bank account!  So my Idiot is looking for other options and one of these just might include getting rid of the bitch so I totally own him!   I can't be mad at him cause he did try it's just shit happens!  He know he HAS to be back by April at least as he has committments to me for Cruise $$ and also May for Hotel $$.  I know he's upset and all he can think about is me! He will be back soon!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Just spent the last 3 hours with my PUP looking up porn clips for him and then making him pay different amounts to be able to watch them. so much fun and this right on the heels of a Saturday intoxication session with him too. he he he

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I just made a facebook page that you Loser's can add me on.  It's not my personal one it's for being a domme. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012


One for you Foot Bitches to worship and the other for all you Other Losers  Do NOT forget to rate and comment!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Princess Amanda had her little princess on 1/24/12.  Princess Amanda and Maya are both doing well.  I think it would be very nice to buy her something or give her a tribute to welcome the newest member of our little family.

Monday, January 23, 2012


How do you losers like the Red?  I Love it!


So tomorrow Princess Amanda will give birth to the newest princess in the family...Princess Maya Michelle.  My Blind Jerkboy has already given her first tribute and she hasn't even arrived yet.  How pathetic is that!  I will be posting the annoucement and pictures when she is born. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Go now and call this number and spoil us for our cruise!   1-800-TO-FLIRT   Ext. 0408-779

Monday, January 9, 2012


We made all you losers a little video this weekend when we were together to remind you of your jobs to get us plane ticket $$ and cruise spending $$ etc.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Well you Loser's really came through big time! The Cruise is paid off and Mistress Liza and I are very amused and pleased! Eight Losers and Piggies took it upon themselves to make sure that this happened and i'm proud of each and every one of them for knowing their responsibility and accepting it!

Now that the cruise is paid off you can still contribute to our plane tickets to Miami, sexy clothes purchase and spending $$. So if you weren't one of the 8 losers that paid on the cruise you can still contribute morons!

Made a recording specifically for you to contribute towards our cruise.

1-800-TO-FLIRT Ext 0408-779 Go Listen NOW!


After leaving his Divine Mistress in the Fall, my Italian Imbecile could NOT resist my new video and came out of hiding. Boy did he make it up to mistress too for being a bad moron last year. He paid off my cruise in 2 days and will be sending some western union in the am for my weekend trip! Yesterday he made the payments and today I got his card and I made the payments while he had dinner with his family! I do believe he has FINALLY realized his place at my fucking feet with credit card in mouth. We also had some humiliation fun as you can see in the attached pics! It's gonna be a GREAT year for mistress! He is also locked into a monthly Idiot Tax payment too...he he he

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Great way to kick off 2012 a new video from your Mistress.  Don't forget to rate it and leave good comments!