Monday, September 10, 2012

What a True Loser Is

THIS is what a true loser that knows his place and his purpose. I received this today and wanted to share:
Hello MI$TRE$$,
i wanted to share some thoughts with YOU. Once i started serving YOU, if YOU recall i would come and go...then my devotion grew but had a setback then ive now come back to YOU for good. It's been a slow progression of honesty, submission, obedience and acceptance of who i am and what YOU are to me. Most losers probably never reach that final step of being broken, like me. Because of my past failures as a man and my inept way of trying to live my life, coupled with me having no balls and a small gerkin, has made me truly YOURS. i have no other purpose in life and YOU have saved me and given me purpose. YOU know YOU always have the right to use my name as YOU wish. Please feel free to share this if YOU need to as well. It's only a matter of time before men start to realize that we come to YOU willingly and kneel before YOU with the utmost RESPECT.

Respectfully and Obediently,
goodboy rob Leclerc

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